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FAQ’s about my online interiors course

Hi everyone,

It’s been two weeks since I launched my first online interiors course and I am over the moon with the response!

There are 112 aspiring stylists making their way through all six modules, a lot of them interacting daily on the facebook group sharing ideas, moodboards, sketches, inspiring and supporting each other and learning new skills every day.

I get quite a lot of questions via DM and email about the course so thought I would outline a few things here in case any of you are considering joining too.

In short: I wish this course had been around when I was starting out!

💡It is self paced and you have 365 days to complete it in. You can stop/start/pause as often or as little as you like.

💡You will have access to the private facebook group where you can interact with other students whenever you need to. I dip in and out and answer questions and provide basic feedback if you need it.

💡There is an add-on at the end of the course where you can have a 40 min zoom call with me and I can give you detailed feedback and help with anything you may need once you have completed.

💡There is international industry insight from three amazing globe-spanning stylists: @emilyrickardstylist @lifeunstyled @style_siren

💡Q&A with the fabulous @karen_haller_colour about Colour Psychology

💡Q&A with the gorgeous @jadelovejoy about Visual Merchandising

💡Video from the brilliant Head of the Home Staging Association, Paloma Harrington-Griffin @homestagingassociation

💡Umpteen videos from me, exciting styling tasks to complete, effective mood board techniques to be learnt, Industry case studies to learn from, the art of vision boarding, building a portfolio, and more stuff too!

I can genuinely say that I am receiving emails from current students telling me how much they’re enjoying the content and feeling inspired to change careers and some also doing the course to be inspired to re-vamp their house!

I am working on my second online interiors course to launch later this year for all of you who want to ’style your home like a magazine.’

Styling AND teaching = bloody loving it!


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