In September last year we travelled to California for our honeymoon and absolutely fell in love with the place. The sun, the surf, the healthy lifestyle and the open road!
We picked up our Mustang convertible, put the top down and drove around for weeks. It was the trip of a lifetime.
One of the places we stopped was the coastal town of Monterey. Monterey is a beautiful fishing town, rich in history and one of its landmarks that you may have heard of is Cannery Row (of John Steinbeck fame). This is where they used to manufacture sardines in cans (go figure). Just off this strip was where we went kayaking on the bay. Wow, wow, wow! I have never seen anything like it.
Both the sky and the water were silver so there was no delineation between the two. It was the softest light you can imagine and made for some amazing photographs. One key point was that there was kelp just under the water’s surface across the entire bay and allowed all the animals and birds to literally walk on water! It was incredible. We saw Otters playing with their pups, seals rolling around, bright pink jellyfish and Herons. Lots of Herons! They are probably my favourite birds.
I am going to be blogging a lot more from our California trip as there is so much I want to share with you. In the mean time, if you want to bring Monterey Bay into your place, please see the products above!
Lucy x
PS If you are thinking of visiting California, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need some advice/suggestions on where to visit!
1. Mrs White’s giant Ostrich feather duster, Roullier White | 2.Mega Bulb SR2 pendant light, Naken Interiors | 3. Zio Tom sideboard, MOGG at LuxDeco | 4. Reclaimed British bespoke stone flooring, Lapacida | 5. Heron Chair, Race Furniture